The Price Band Feature

So you don't have a buyer, but would like to list your Token NFT for a price that follows the market utilising a percentage set by you either above or below what the market is doing.

On the TNFT orderbook page, scroll down to your assets on the bottom right. Choose a TNFT which says "vault" (this means it is not listed) Click on "VIEW" on the right side of the table for the TNFT you wish to action.

Now that you have selected a TNFT, click "LIST". On the right side you can see the chart price of MATIC which can be used as a reference for all correlated prices.

A modal will pop up, check the box for "Use Price Band" it will sync to the market price.

You will now need to set your floor price, your Token NFT will never sell below this price.

On the popup, you will select, use Price Band which synchronises the listed price to market price. Setting the floor price means you will lower the price of your TNFT less than that price. Your floating percentage is what discount or premium you wish to apply to the market price.

Shortly after the “TRANSACTION IN PROGRESS” pop-up initiates, your Web 3 wallet should also pop up. This step gives you the option of confirming the transaction.

Congratulations you’ve set up the price band feature for your TNFT.

Last updated